[Remote Full-Time] TEST Automation Engineer (Up to 4000$) [Vietnam]


Mô tả

  • Developing and executing test automation strategies
  • Creation and maintenance of automated test scripts, test execution, result analysis, and reporting
  • Support for tracking and fixing bugs
  • Collaboration with development and QA teams
  • Proposing ways to improve test quality and coverage

Yêu cầu chung


    • JLPT N2
    • Over 3 years of development experience with Ruby on Rails
    • Over 2 years of experience with test automation
    • Experience with Ruby test frameworks such as RSpec, Capybara, FactoryBot
    • Basic knowledge and experience with AWS services (EC2, S3, RDS, Lambda, etc.)
    • Experience in setting up and managing CI/CD pipelines (Jenkins, GitLab CI, AWS CodePipeline, CircleCI, etc.)
    • Familiarity with Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
    • Experience with version control system (Git)
    • Strong communication skills and ability to work collaboratively with a team

    • Knowledge of JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular, Vue.js, etc.
    • Practical experience with TDD/BDD
    • Experience using Docker and Kubernetes
    • Experience with project management tools such as JIRA, Trello, Asana
    • Experience with security and performance testing

Yêu cầu về ngoại ngữ

  • Tiếng Nhật (Trung-Cao cấp)

Quyền lợi

  • Competitive Salary, and company profit share, salary is up to $4000
  • REMOTE/ HYBRID, from Monday to Friday.
  • Participate in insurance and annual health check-up program.
  • 13.5 months' salary per year

Thời gian làm việc

  • Core time: 9:00 -15:00;
    5 days/week from Monday - Friday




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